Global Directory
As part of our collective work creating a platform and ecosystem that supports an inclusive digital future with gender equality at its core.

PhD Researcher in AI (Natural Language Processing), Co-Founder of Women Supporting Sciences (WS2), Elimunity, Founder of EmpowerHer Mind

Professor of Philosophy, De La Salle University (Manila, Philippines)

Doctoral Researcher, Anthropology

Research Scientist Unicamp & Executive Director Instituto da Hora

Project Coordinator, Research Lead, Association for Progressive Communication

PhD Student (3rd Year)

co-Executive Director, Derechos Digitales

Asstistant Professor of Urban Science & Planning, MIT

Senior Principal Engineering Data Scientist, Snap Inc.

Pedagogical advisor, Vía Libre

Adjunct Researcher, Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET

Gestión de proyectos y comunicación

Associate Professor, Chulalongkorn University

Director of the Eon Resilience Lab

Data Science Lead, FreeNow; Associate, Outsight International

Researcher, American University in Cairo, School of Busines

Director Civic AI Lab

Founder: My Data Rights

Senior Researcher, Centre for Internet and Society

Associate Professor at UC Santa Barbara

Projects Leader, PIT Policy Lab

Executive Director, Paradigm Initiative

Assistant Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Ford Global Fellow, Ford Foundation; Fellow Carnegie Endowment for International Peace