Global Directory
As part of our collective work creating a platform and ecosystem that supports an inclusive digital future with gender equality at its core.

Research Associate, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Professor in Computer Science, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Projects Leader, PIT Policy Lab

Professora Adjunta (Assistant Professor)

Director, Ladysmith & Assistant Professor UBC's School of Public Policy

Professor & Director, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Ryerson University

Founder & Executive Director Africa Digital Rights’ Hub LBG

Assistant Professorial Lecturer, De La Salle University

Senior Researcher, Centre for Internet and Society

Data science analyst & Teaching Assistant

Professor Economics, American University in Cairo; Founding Director, Access to Knowledge for Development.

Associate Professor in Information Systems, University of the Western Cape

Associate Professor in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ

Director Civic AI Lab

Founder, Pollicy

Chief Executive Officer, LIRNEasia

Director of Ladysmith

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Business and Society

Senior scientist of the CNRS and a member of the DataBase group LIRIS. She is a regular member of the Mexican Academia of Computing (AMEXCOMP).

Researcher of Gender and Technology

Chief Data Scientist at DataPop Alliance

Gender and Tech Lead, CIPIT