Global Directory
As part of our collective work creating a platform and ecosystem that supports an inclusive digital future with gender equality at its core.

Feminism, transfeminism, extractivism, ancestral technologies, archives, memory, speculative fiction, decoloniality

Senior Postdoctoral Researcher

Executive Director, Paradigm Initiative

Post-Doctoral Research Officer

Director, Observatory of AI Social Impacts - UNTREF

Associate Director, InternetLab; Assistant Professor, University of Saint Gallen, Switzerland

Assistant Professorial Lecturer, De La Salle University

Senior scientist of the CNRS and a member of the DataBase group LIRIS. She is a regular member of the Mexican Academia of Computing (AMEXCOMP).

Consultant on AI, human rights & gender equality

Associate Professor in Information Systems, University of the Western Cape

Research & Policy Director, ILDA

Doctoral Fellow (IDH-CONICET), Ad Honorem Teaching Assistant Audiovisual Theory and Seminar on Contemporary Audiovisual Narratives (Film and TV Department, Faculty of Arts, UNC)

Researcher of Gender and Technology

Gestión de proyectos y comunicación

Researcher, American University in Cairo, School of Busines

Master's Candidate, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Associate Professor at UC Santa Barbara

Chair, People Centered Internet

PhD researcher in Universidade de Aveiro

Executive Director, Local Development Research Institute

Chief Data Scientist at DataPop Alliance

Senior Researcher, Centre for Internet and Society

Independent Consultant, Government of the State of Nuevo León, UNODC

Directora of the Programa de Cooperación e Investigación en Datos