Global Directory
As part of our collective work creating a platform and ecosystem that supports an inclusive digital future with gender equality at its core.

Lecturer in AI-enabled Information Systems, University of Sheffield iSchool; Honorary Fellow, 3A Institute

Director of Ladysmith

Founder: My Data Rights

Associate Professor at UC Santa Barbara

PhD Candidate, Dublin City University and University College Dublin

Directress, DataGénero

Researcher, American University in Cairo, School of Busines

Kiswahili ML Fellow, Mozilla Foundation

Senior scientist of the CNRS and a member of the DataBase group LIRIS. She is a regular member of the Mexican Academia of Computing (AMEXCOMP).

Professor in Computer Science, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Directress, DataGénero

Project Coordinator, Research Lead, Association for Progressive Communication

Chief Data Scientist at DataPop Alliance

Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer City of Barcelona; Founder, Decode

Co-Director, Researcher and Professor, CETYS Universidad de San Andres

Coordinator, Sinar Project

Assistant Professor of Information and Communication, University College Dublin

Investigadora asociada, Centro de Estudios en Tecnología y Sociedad (CETyS)

Acting Co-Director, Women's Rights Division, Human Rights Watch

Researcher and Lecturer at International University of Catalonia

Full time professor

Research & Policy Director, ILDA

Chair, People Centered Internet

Founder and Executive Director | HER Internet