Global Directory

Wanda Muñoz

Gender equality & inclusion in AI governance, governance of autonomous weapons systems, human right & disability.

About the work

International consultant with twenty years of experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of programs and policies on human rights, gender equality, inclusion and the rights of people with disabilities. Wanda has worked for international NGOs and UN organizations in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. She became involved in the field of artificial intelligence in 2017, initially through the analysis of its intersection with International Humanitarian Law in the issues of autonomous weapons systems; and later focusing on the intersection between human rights and AI. In 2020, she was nominated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico as an independent expert at the Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), where she contributed to various publications and panels, and led the design of the research “Towards true gender equality and diversity in AI” that is currently being implemented.


Her articles have been published by UNESCO and MILA, Oxford University Press, the ICRC, and the National University of Colombia, among others. She has been a consultant on issues of gender equality, diversity and AI for CEIMIA and MILA (Canadian organizations); and has been invited as a panelist by the Mexican MFA, the Mexican Senate, the Supreme Court of Justice, the OAS, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United Nations Security Council , UNESCO, CEIMIA (Quebec), OBVIA (Quebec) and various universities. In 2020, Wanda was recognized by the Nobel Women’s Initiative as a “peacebuilder working to end gender-based violence and promote peace, justice and equality.”