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Marwa Soudi

Empowering SMEs with responsible AI & sustainable practices. Building a Tutoring system for math education using GAI to empower community schools.

About the work

IdeasGym is a platform that I have established to create innovative solutions at the intersection of education, technology, and social impact. As part of my ongoing project associated with feminist AI, I am developing a human-centered math tutoring system specifically designed for community schools. By harnessing the power of generative AI, I aim to revolutionize math education and address the unique needs and challenges faced by students in underserved communities.


The core philosophy behind this project is to foster inclusivity, empowerment, and equality through the lens of feminist principles. Traditional math education often perpetuates gender biases and inequalities, leaving many students, particularly girls, disengaged and discouraged. To counter this, I am designing a tutoring system that not only imparts mathematical knowledge but also promotes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and self-confidence among students.