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Responsible AI: Empowering Women’s Access to Justice in the Southeast Asia Region”
Speaker: Siraprapa Chavanayarn

This talk delves into the complex challenges women in Southeast Asia face in their quest for access to justice. These challenges include societal barriers and individual barriers. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents transformative opportunities for the justice system, especially in improving access to justice and ensuring fairness for women. AI has the potential to revolutionize legal proceedings by analyzing complex data, streamlining case processing, and providing predictive insights. However, integrating AI into the justice system also brings significant risks. Concerns such as algorithmic bias could exacerbate existing inequalities, impeding equitable access to justice. The central argument of this talk is the critical need for Responsible AI in the development and application of AI technologies in these regions. Responsible AI is essential for maintaining fairness, transparency, and accountability, particularly in AI applications within the justice sector. This approach is crucial to ensure that AI tools not only enhance access to justice for women but also uphold and support their rights.