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Joining us in our webinar as a speaker is Aliah Yacoub, an AI and Philosophy scholar. She is currently the head of techQualia at Synapse AnalyticsHer research interests include employing existential phenomenology to explore the dynamic entanglement of body and mind in consciousness, machine sentience, and artificial cognition. 

In this webinar, Aliah will be discussing the connection of feminism, social justice, and AI in the region from a philosophical point of view. She will also provide examples of the challenges associated with the use of applied AI in the region and the role of feminist theoretical frameworks in promoting gender equality and mitigating discrimination and biases.

Registeration link: https://aucegypt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvf-qsqjwtHNOG7ccJjwPIUrgDFTzJuI82