
AI Diplomacy: Mainstreaming inclusion & Prototyping futures

We seek to position a proactive diplomacy agenda across the multilateral system to advance the instruments for AI ensuring no one is left behind, and that we all thrive. We will discuss how to bring Inclusive AI into the global AI Diplomacy agenda.

The <A+> Alliance is participating at RightsCon with a high-level panel elevating the importance of inclusion while drafting the AI Global Agenda. Diplomacy agendas conceived during a time of unparalleled acceleration leverage technology’s full power to positively transform lives at scale.

Through feminist foreign policy, we want to advance Feminist AI that embraces principles of dismantling bias, intersectionality, accountability, and inclusive, responsible, transparent use of power in social systems and algorithms are brought to bear in research that is designed to understand complex, multidimensional inequality and exclusion systems, and is designed to be actionable and correct for bias – not only mitigate historic exclusion. Join us at this conversation at RightsCon!