A world with equitable technologies & AI is possible

As a global, multidisciplinary, feminist coalition of academics, activists, technologists, the A+ Alliance is prototyping the future of artificial intelligence and automated decision making to accelerate gender equality with technology and innovation.

The <A+> Alliance was created for and by women and girls to leave no one behind.Our international coalition seeks to course correct gender, racial and intersectional bias in Artificial Intelligence and New Emerging Technologies.  

In 2019, the <A+ Declaration> was brought to life!

#TheTimeHasCome to create foundation datasets that are unbiased, stereotype-free, and globally balanced. 

Join our call for Data and AI governance that builds on multilateral international cooperation and leaves no one behind. 

The future is now. 

The future is now. 

The future is now. 


Follow the conversation on X, LinkedIn and IG  #TheTimeHasCome  #InclusiveAlgorithms 
