Global Directory

Sandra Kwikiriza

Equipping structurally silenced women with digital literacy and security information and skills for increased and safer online engagement.

About the work

Executive Director at HER Internet, a feminist organisation that advocates for the digital rights and internet freedoms of structurally silenced women focusing on LBQ (lesbians, bisexual and queer). We are championing digital literacy and security to promote good digital health, advocating for freedom of speech and expression online, decoding and addressing online violence as well as studying the impact of AI on social justice.


Our work is rooted in the clear purpose of challenging the oppressive system that is patriarchy, which is pervasive in general online spaces, spaces for structurally silenced women, as well as our subconscious actions on how we use the Internet and other ICTs. We work within the Feminist Principles of the Internet to advocate for development and use of technologies that challenge sexism and discrimination on the bases of self-determination and as influenced by feminist principles and queer theory. The goal is to build fearlessly expressive structurally silenced women who are actively engaged in bringing about social transformation online and offline.