Global Directory

Lorena Fuentes

Lorena’s research explores how different types of data shape visibility and action in development, with a focus on gender-related violence.

About the work

Lorena is the Co-founder and Director of Ladysmith, a feminist research consultancy that helps international organizations collect, analyse, and take action on gender data. Her research explores how different types of data shape visibility and action in development, with a focus on gender-related violence. Currently, she is co-authouring a book about the ‘gender data revolution’ with her co-founder and feminist-thought-partner-in-crime, Dr. Tara Patricia Cookson. Lorena’s work is informed by her previous experience as a frontline advocate and practitioner, in the field of gender-based violence, and a lecturer at UCLA’s International Institute. She earned her PhD from the University of London as a School of Social Sciences Fellow and Chair of the Gender & Social Policy in Latin America Academic Working Group. Lorena oversees Ladysmith’s gender-based violence, social norms, and technology & digitization portfolios.


Along with her Ladysmith colleagues, she is currently collaborating with partners from Canada’s International Development Research Centre’s Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa and the German Corporation for International Cooperation’s Digitalization Cluster in the provision of technical advising around gender and gender data.