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Diana Mosquera

My work is at the intersection of Feminist Technology, Design products in AI, Privacy, AI Ethics, Political Implications of AI, Power Dynamics and AI, and Feminism.

About the work

A physicist and artificial intelligence researcher from Ecuador, Diana boasts a fervent enthusiasm for feminist technology, design, privacy technology, and AI research. Presently, she is deeply engrossed in her role as Co-founder and researcher at Diversa Studio. Her engagements include ethics in AI, privacy concerns, political implications, and the dynamics of power within the realm of Artificial Intelligence. Her professional journey also extends to designing cutting-edge products and refining Human–Computer Interaction (HCI). Beyond her scientific pursuits, she is ardently interested in exploring the intricate interplay between feminism, power dynamics, and technology’s evolving landscape, intelligence, design products, power and technology.


Teaming up with Técnicas Rudas, Diana and Diversa Studio are developing a prototype for water governance in collaboration with a Yaqui Tribe community that uses a decolonial & feminist AI approach. Their work is committed to creating AI solutions that align with human needs and values, prioritizing social and ethical considerations at every step of the development process.